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CoolProps by Sideshow: Alien „Covenant – Neomorph“ Life Size Head

Das etwas andere Collectable: „Covenant – Neomorph Life Sized Head“

Zum spektakulären Blockbuster kommt diese originalgetreue Nachbildung. Sie zeigt den Kopf eines Neomorph im Massstab 1/1 aus „Alien: Covenant“.
Das Film-Vorbild wurde bis ins kleinste Detail nachgebildet.

Abmessungen: 50 x 35 x 70 cm

Produktgewicht: 15000 g

Sideshow and CoolProps are pleased to present the Neomorph Life-Size Head Prop Replica. The Neomorph appeared in the dark in Alien: Covenant, and attacked the covenant crew continuously with its quick movement. Though this alien has a creepy emotionless face, at its confrontation with David, it almost looked as if the Neomorph showed human expression. CoolProps has created a replica of this creature’s head in life-size with the cooperation of Odd studio, who produced the original prop for the film. Add this horrifying creature to your Alien.
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