Hot Toys: Zurück in die Zukunft III „DeLorean – Time Machine“ 1/6 Movie Masterpiece Fahrzeug (Q2/2025)

800.00 CHF

Das etwas andere Collectable: „DeLorean“

Aus Hot Toys´ luxuriöser ´Movie Masterpiece´-Reihe kommt diese grossartige Nachbildung des legendären DeLoreans aus ´Zurück in der Zukunft III´.

Das Modell verfügt über viele authentische Details, bewegliche Teile und einige LED-Leuchtfunktionen. Die Flügeltüren lassen sich öffnen.

Maße: 25 x 35 x 72 cm. Batterien & Figuren sind in dem Angebot nicht enthalten.

Beschreibung des Herstellers:

  • Authentically and detailed likeness of DeLorean Time Machine in Back to the Future III
  • Approximately 72cm L x 35cm W x 25cm H
  • Exterior styling features:
  • LED light up function designs on headlights & rear signal lights, and reactor cooling vents
  • Functional gull-wing doors
  • Rotatable wheel with adjustable position converting into the DeLorean Off-Road Car
  • Real-like cable wires across body and detailed structure of the engine cover, including hood box, Mr. Fusion energy reactor, nuclear reactor and reactor cooling vents at the rear car body
  • Interior design features:
  • Cabin controls with LED light up function including dashboard, Time Circuits Display, overhead panels, flux capacitor, and system display
  • Two (2) seaters
  • Sized to fit with Marty McFly and Doc Brown Sixth Scale Collectible Figures
  • One (1) firebox temperature device
  • One (1) alarm clock
  • One (1) tow bar (magnetically attachable to the vehicle front)
  • Four (4) rail wheels with weathering effects (attachable to wheel positions)

*Light up function can be operated by USB power or battery.
*Battery not included for collectible. AA batteries required.
*USB connecting cable is not included for collectible, Micro USB cable is required.

Produktgewicht: 9530g

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